REBECCA DAVIES transformed the Australian dance industry with Radar Technique Pty Ltd. Rebecca Davies is constantly in high demand world-wide for her life-changing workshops which transform dancers’ techniques in a matter of minutes. Rebecca has pioneered a technique and style of dance coaching which enables young dancers through to professionals to find their strengths and limitations to improve and enhance them.
A good foundation in dance technique is recommended.
Radar Technique Workshops are definitely a challenge, but a great opportunity to improve at the same time. As long as you are open to push your limits and try new things, the workshops are great for you.
The exercises shared by Rebecca Davies are great tools you can include into your own training to improve in the long run.
SUNDAY 07.07.2024
10:00 - 11:30 RADAR Technique - Pirouettes & A la Seconde Turns
This workshop will cover pirouettes in their many forms and the games, secret tips, drills and techniques invented by Rebecca Davies to help enhance your turning understanding and ability. You will also learn spotting common mistakes and how to analyse yourself.
12:00 - 13:30 RADAR Technique - Jumps: Surprise Leaps & Twisted Russians
Bring power to your jumps and leaps with RADAR TECHNIQUE’s tips, tricks and exercises. Increase the height, length and artistry of your grand jetés, sissonés, surprise leaps and more. Learn brilliant conditioning exercises to include in your own training after the workshop.